FVO report – Finland – Poultry meat control system deficiencies

This report describes the outcome of a Food and Veterinary Office audit in Finland, which took place from 11 to 21 March 2014, in order to evaluate the official food safety control system in place governing the production and placing on the market of poultry meat and products derived therefrom.

The report concludes that Finland has in place an organised official control system based on EU and national legislation, supported by an extensive number of central competent authority guidelines. In general, this control system is applied consistently over time and covers the entire poultry production chain.

However, the control system is weakened by some deficiencies, particularly:

  • The training and the supervision by official veterinarians of slaughterhouse staff performing post-mortem inspection in the slaughterhouses.

  • The application of derogations, not foreseen under EU rules, in relation to ante-and post mortem inspection in slaughterhouses applying discontinuous slaughter.

  • The insufficient supervision and control of the use of food additives and of labelling of mechanically separated meat.

  • Shortcomings at establishment level detected by the audit team which had not previously been noted during official controls.

Moreover, the effectiveness of the system is weakened by the insufficient follow up of the results of the National Internal Audit procedures and some instances of inadequate implementation of the CCA control instructions at local level.

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