Massive Webinar on USA/FDA labeling rules and upcoming news

Recently I have been asked by several clients in  to run a webinar helping them to approach the US market, when it comes to import rules for food and labeling. They were from India, from Italy, as well as from America…a bit difficult to put things together…

Therefore, coherently with our global and democratic approach to the food topics, I will launch the following initiative: our first “massive online webinar” on USA/FDA labeling rules.

In practice it means that:

  1. if you do not find room for the first webinar, you will have the chance to attend later on; you won’t be let down;
  2. the price is not fixed in advance, if we have to run more than one webinar, there will be huge discounts;
  3. Q&A time will be a real Q&A time;
  4. slides and recordings will be available to all participants + bonus materials in case we have to run several webinars.


I will personally run a 3h webinar (+Q&A) with max 10 people per session on Wednesday, 7th February 2018, to ease the direct interaction.

(in case we will have more people than places available, we will run other live sessions on Wednesday, 21st February 2018 and Wednesday 28th February 2018). 

The webinar will be split in 2 twin sessions:

  • the first one at 9.30 a.m. Italian time (New Delhi time 1 p.m., Bangkok time, 3.30 p.m. Shanghai time 4.30 p.m.) NEARLY CLOSED: LAST PLACES TO GO!
  • the second one at 5.00 p.m. Italian time (NY time 11 a.m., Chicago 10 a.m., LA 8 a.m.) 3 PLACES TO GO

In this way, mostly everyone will have the chance to participate without waking up in the middle of the night. The program will be the same for both sessions, as follows:

  1. Pro and cons to export in US. How to delineate a winning export strategy, avoiding regulatory pitfalls;
  2. How to navigate in the US legislation? Practical examples that explains you how the system works and where to find relevant info;
  3. Competent authorities and applicable labeling regimes (FDA, USDA, TTB);
  4. Brief ‘to do list’ for exporters;
  5. FDA food labeling rules: mandatory information on the pack, presentation rules and everything you need to know to reach the compliance for a basic label;
  6. Statement of identity and Principal Display Panel concept;
  7. Net weight;
  8. Ingredients list (compound ingredients rules, additives, flavourings…);:
  9. Name and address of the manufacturer, packer, importer etc…;
  10. Nutrition Facts and upcoming new format;
  11. Other claims and voluntary information usually used on the pack and upcoming news (GMO labeling, definition of ‘natural’, menu calorie labeling, use by/best before…);
  12. Discussion time.

Each section will be full of screenshots and links to the relevant official source and to the legislation. To better understand the legal concepts, we will extract also pictures from existing labels.

At the end everyone will have the chance to participate to the Q&A session.

The connection will be via UberConference. You can dial in via phone (toll free) or connect with you computer audio and video without any install or dial in. You will receive a link directly in your e-mail.


For subscription, please write at, indicating

  • name and surname
  • company details
  • mail
  • invoicing/billing details (including a tax/VAT/registration number)

and you will receive all the details.

Pricing: 200 €/subscription (around 240 USD, the 2nd person from the same company/organisation will benefit of a 20% discount),


  • if we will be able to organize a 2nd session on 21st February 2018 the price will be 150 €/subscription (2nd person discount still applicable)
  • and in case we will organize a third one on 28th February the price will be 100 €/subscription (2nd person discount still applicable)
  • in case we have to run more than 3 sessions, a summary table of the presentation and rounding rules of the Nutrition Facts will be sent to each participant.

On this page you will find regular updates about the subscriptions. You will be invoiced on 1st February and payment should be made upfront (before 7th February 2018).

Then, please do share 🙂




4 thoughts on “Massive Webinar on USA/FDA labeling rules and upcoming news

    1. Dear Sherri,
      As mentioned in the article you can write at, indicating

      name and surname
      company details
      invoicing/billing details (including a tax/VAT/registration number)
      and which of the 2 session you want to attend according to your timezone:
      the first one at 9.30 a.m. Italian time (New Delhi time 1 p.m., Bangkok time, 3.30 p.m. Shanghai time 4.30 p.m.)
      the second one at 5.00 p.m. Italian time (NY time 11 a.m., Chicago 10 a.m., LA 8 a.m.)

      Happy to have you onboard. The subscription to the 1st session are going great.


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