Food recalls in EU – Week 31/2015

This week on the EU RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) we can find the following notifications: 1. Alerts followed by a recall from consumers: - Foreign bodies: plastic fragments (1x1 cm) in chilled soups from Ireland, following a consumer complaint. Notified by Ireland, distributed also to United Kingdom; - FCM (Food Contact Materials). Heavy … Continue reading Food recalls in EU – Week 31/2015

Food recalls in EU – Week 32 – 33

These weeks on the RASFF database (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) we have six recalls from consumers in EU in the alert notifications: - Allergens: undeclared almond in olive with garlic, following company's own check. Origin Poland, notified by Denmark; - Composition: high content of aluminium in cake flour, following company's own check. Origin Vietnam, notified by Germany, distributed also to Netherlands and Poland; … Continue reading Food recalls in EU – Week 32 – 33