Chatting with Chat-GPT4 on EVOO frauds

The article presents a chat with an AI discussing food fraud in the extra virgin olive oil industry. It highlights prevalent types of fraud, sources of data, and predictions based on current market prices. The AI provides a graph of price trends but initially misrepresents the percentage increases in prices, later rectifying the error. The chat reveals the AI's capability and limitations in offering insights on industry trends and practices.

YouTube: food labeling and trends in the food industry

Recently, we produced more video content. We invite you all to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more. Soon we will be publishing more live broadcasts, interviews, full events, and excerpts from conferences and events. You can find samples in this article. Live Q&A sessions, streamed on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube. Topic: Regulatory Trends … Continue reading YouTube: food labeling and trends in the food industry